Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Family Portrait Advice: What to wear for Family Portraits

Getting your often times unwilling family together for the quarterly family portrait is, pardon the pun, no walk in the park. Tack on coordinating everyone's outfit's, and of course the back up outfits for those right before you get to the session juice spills, your stress levels can be out the roof. To help alleviate a bit of your stress here are some helpful ideas and links on what to wear.

  • wear solid colored clothing
  • choose  brightly toned colors that are eye catching
  • choose similar tones for your top and bottom (both dark or both light)
  • choose 1-3 colours for your group portrait, ones with similar tones that go nicely together and have everyone work within that colour palette. For example: green, navy, and burgundy  OR tan, bright pastel green, and denims
  • choose a top with sleeves at least to the elbow
  • choose long pants for men/ladies or a skirt below the knee for ladies
  • choose dark socks and footwear (unless it’s a barefoot photo on the beach)
  • keep jewellery simple and minimalistic(mom)
  • Let your kids add touches of their personality with accessories and footwear
Check out these great links for more ideas: